MSTA Hall of Fame Criteria
Montana Hall of Fame Page
MSTA Hall of Fame Criteria
First: The shooter must be 50 years of age with 15 years of shooting as a Montana resident, or have shot as a Montana resident for 25 years.
Second: The shooter must have a minimum of 45,000 registered targets.
Third: Shooting merit to be determined by the Hall of Fame Committee.
Fourth: Anyone selected by the Hall of Fame Committee must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors
It was also decided that a person could be introduced into the Montana Hall of Fame for contributions to the sport of trapshooting or for a combination of shooting merit and contributions. These contributions are defined as follows:
First: For exceptional outstanding and unselfish work in Montana trapshooting over a period of many years.
Second: Such work must have been undertaken in a voluntary manner and did not occur simultaneously while engaged as a salaried person in the trapshooting field or during the course of earning profits in the trapshooting field.
Hall of Fame criteria as adopted by 1996 MSTA Board of Directors
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